Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sometimes life is so unfair. Why? This is because people who have lived with integrity and principle are those who fall victim most of the time to life’s turmoil.  Our society has a poor judicial system. Justice can be ruled by anybody’s weak mind and implemented by anybody’s grimy hand.  This is the end-product of our society’s unresponsive treatment of people and situations. More so, by those people who have no heart but who can end someone’s life in a split second.

The underlying reasons are greed and survival. If we really want to live a life full of hope and humaneness, we need to adopt ourselves to the demands of society’s need in order to meet life’s every expectation. We need leaders who have heart to guide  people on how to see God our Father as the center of everything. No one can have a life full of glory and mercy if not for Him. I myself have no right to question anybody’s sin as I am a born sinner, too. We live in an unconditional society, full of so many unexpected things happening. Our weapon is to keep a strong faith in God that nothing in life exists and happens without a reason. We are all survivors from the cruel world of this so-called life.


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