I started to reflect and count all my blessings. As I appreciate my life’s blessings I randomly break them down, like:
1. I was born without any physical abnormalities, imperfections maybe. However, I count those as blessings indeed.
2. I had a normal childhood and played as if there was no tomorrow.
3. I may not be physically fit and need to have regular visits to my doctors for a long year. This was just a normal phase of my childhood, but it's ok; Anyway, I was able to pass through it.
4. During elementary days I belonged to the cream of the crop and was always chosen to be leader.
5. Despite financial hurdles I was able to finished my high-school in a private school. I owe this to my parents.
6. I dreamed to become an architect. However, our financial capability led me to a teaching degree.
7. In college, I was just an average student. But I was able to get an academic award in the last year of my study, making my parents proud.
8. I was able to pass the board exam or the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) w/ the intervention of the Holy Rosary.
9. I strove to work hard and save every single penny for the education of my youngest sister who is now a full-fledged dentist. Proud to say that she placed 10th in the Dental Board Exam. This is a huge blessing, isn't it?
10. At this stage of my life, I have experienced being in love, my first wacky heart break.
11. I didn’t practise my profession, yet I was able to finish my Masters Degree in Education. A big chunk of my savings went here but i believe education is priceless.
12. I was given the chance to work in the field of teaching and related blessings continue.
13. Another phase in my life began when I entered the world of Local Government service.
14. I got the chance to meet a lot of people from all walks of life and my set of BFF’s.
15. I learned how to value what I have and share it. Most of all I learned the virtue of patience.
16. In 1998 from clerical position (coming from a Teacher 1 position), I got promoted to Information Officer II in 2002.
17. 2002 also was my first international trip to Germany with my beloved mother.Thanks to my family abroad.
18. Ruined relationship, but I learned to stand and rebuild myself. Life must go on. Lucky enough that I have my family and supportive friends with me that time.
19. 2003 my second international trip. Lucky to visit Vatican City in Italy --- the place where i found the answer to my question.
20. I got the courage to rebuild a new house for my family despite my meager income. This I consider a great blessing and personal achievement.
21. Despite the sudden change of leadership and administration in 2004, I was able to keep my work position.
22. Love & relationships, however, I still haven’t succeeded. Pain makes me stronger.
23. I’ve found a new circle of friends and made a lasting friendship.
24. Without any career advancement & expectations, I was designated as OIC of my department year 2007.
25. Challenges on leadership come my way, but having a very supportive team made everything easy.
26. I was able to bring out the best of my department and help support our Local Government’s programs and projects as one of the lead implementers.
27. In 2008 I had my personal trip to Hongkong and Macau.
28. In 2009, business trip with my co-managers to Hongkong, Macau and China. These aside from my local trips.
29. I have a very wonderful family, and despite some issues still we we’re able to achieve a harmonious one.
30. Cute and loving nephews and nieces who remove my daily stresses.
31. A very supportive LCE and co-worker despite being snobbish to some of them.
32. I learned to master little by little the art of contentment in life and appreciate more things in general.
33. I have a healthy body and a sound mind.
34. Most of all I have loving parents who are always beside me no matter what.
35. God brought me to where I am now with lots of blessings in life!
It is important to feel thankful for all these wonderful blessings that come our way, whether they seemed good or bad. It helps us see the great things we have, and puts our frustrations and worries in proper perspective. It keeps us focused on the great and wonderful things in our lives. To those people who touch and continue to do wonders in my life, I am very thankful to all of you. We may all continue to receive God’s blessings and mercy. Live life to the fullest. Let's start to count!
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
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I personally designed this website to share with you my life's journey, aspirations and overthrow. How my professional growth and leadership skills have grown and placed me above my expectation. This site will give you an overview on how I crafted my personal road map and how it helps achieve a single-blessed life.
Let me share my badges of inspiration and strengths gained from life’s lessons. I hope that through this site, I may be able to enrich your lives in my own little way. I challenge you to get to know the author better. Enjoy browsing!
Let me share my badges of inspiration and strengths gained from life’s lessons. I hope that through this site, I may be able to enrich your lives in my own little way. I challenge you to get to know the author better. Enjoy browsing!
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- Nenette B. Santos
- A single woman blessed with a mercurial personality, a frustrated writer, and documentarist wannabe.
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wow! nice post sis. we should be all thankful for the great blessings we received from our Father. :)
Btw, i followed you. please also visit my site if you have free time: thanks and God bless. :)
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